Crete so far: My first impression was that Heraklion, its biggest city, was an ugly and decayed urban center that happened to have a large port, my frustration compounded when my taxi driver couldn’t find my accommodation initially. But it’s grown on me. The Minoan historical sites, while not spectacular, were interesting and considering all the modern focus on Greece’s classical period, and for good reason, it’s noteworthy an advanced civilization preceded it. The sea wall and fortress are worth walking along. The restaurant and shopping districts are bustling. While the selections are decidedly one note (almost all Greek and Italian, some ramen here and there — even small German towns had a decent Asian food selection), some of the food has been excellent, including a unique pizza I had featuring beetroot cream and pumpkin chutney, plus a heavy Cretan salad — almost all followed by a free dessert and an “energizing” Cretan alcoholic drink called Raki. All the servers have been extraordinarily nice and accommodating, but then, tourism is Crete’s biggest industry, and it’s still on the edge of off-season. Tomorrow to the smaller Venetian city of Remyntho…will tell you how it goes! #travelblogger #travelling #greece #greecetravel #greece2024 #travelgram #travelphotography #travel
1 min readMay 1, 2024