Book Review-Breakdown Dancer by Vijay R. Nathan
Vijay R. Nathan’s third poetry collection Breakdown Dancer is probably his most personal book, returning to the musings of his first collection Escape from Samsara after the celebrity character-driven Celebrity Sadhana. The themes are similar, dealing with Buddhist-inspired thought and the secular realities that taunt the quest for a meaningful life. But here we get much more about mental illness battles, brutal stays in hospitals, the heartbreak of almost loves, and the insecurity of friendships that we want to become romantic but which will never likely be.
The collection is also heavily influenced by music, including three well-placed playlists which one can play while reading, or whose influence one can appreciate while delving into the musically-driven verse.
Nathan uses a multiplicity of poetic styles, including the Billy Collins’ created paradelle (“Motel 6 Rendezvous), text-exchange as poem (“This is Not Not a Love Poem”), hashtag inspired poems (#NoFilter) and the Ho’oponopono-inspired “Ho’oponopono”, among many others.
The publisher has created a beautiful book, including a sketch of the artist, a photograph of his childhood and a simulated Iphone music player, and much else.
As with the previous books, there is a deliberate structure, but in this case we have two acts — a playful initial half followed by an emotionally driven climax and conclusion. The writing as a whole is more mature than his previous works.
For such a slim volume, this book contains many riches. Even if you haven’t read Nathan’s previous works, you may find yourself sufficiently charmed by this one to explore more by this talented poet.